He Is a Rewarder!


"Apart from You we are mice and men, with our fancy dreams of grandeur, and no way to get there. And I could think about You now and then or I could make a mark on eternity. Lord, first of all, how is it between you and me?" These words from a Sara Groves song have been impacting my thinking lately. Hebrews 11:6...He is a REWARDER of them that diligently seek Him. There is a reward for the man or woman of God who realizes there is more to know and SEEKS God to find it! Imagine the best reward you could humanly conjure up, and just know that a reward from THE REWARDER is going to be infinitely greater than what you could have imagined! Keep seeking Him...and be DILIGENT about it. What does that mean? Look for God in His Word, in His people (the Body of Christ), and in your personal times of fellowship with Him. Everything else truly gets easier when you seek Him diligently. The reward is great, so don't stop! Be a seeker and know that reward is coming!

Ashley Steinberg, May 13th, 2017